Types of fatty acids and their functions

Fatty acids that make fats that are essential for physical health. Oleic acid and α-linolenic acid are famous, but in reality there are many more.
\\ This article is recommended as follows //
- Those who are interested in nutrition
- Those who want to know more about fatty acids
- Those who want to know the function of each fatty acid
- What is fatty acids
- Types of fatty acids and their functions
- 1.Saturated fatty acids
- 2.Unsaturated fatty acids
- 3.Trans fats
What is fatty acids
First of all, "fatty acids" are the main components of "lipids". Fats and fatty acids play an important role in the body and are essential for human health.
【Function of fatty acids】
- Consists of human cell membranes, hormones, nuclear membranes, etc.
- Protection from organs and external stimuli as subcutaneous fat (barrier function)
- Energy source of activity
- Promotion of absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K
Types of fatty acids and their functions
Fatty acids can be broadly divided into three categories: "saturated fatty acids," "unsaturated fatty acids," and "trans fatty acids."

1. Saturated fatty acids
- Basically solid fat at room temperature
- Easy to use as energy and can be made in the body
- Overdose can easily cause heart disease and arteriosclerosis
- Included in meat, dairy products (milk, butter), egg yolk, chocolate, coconut, palm oil, etc.
Short chain fatty acids
【Acetic acid】
It has a bactericidal action that keeps the intestines moderately acidic and activates good bacteria to exterminate bad bacteria, and a bacteriostatic action that suppresses growth.
【Propionic acid】【Butyric acid】
It maintains a healthy intestinal mucosa and increase the intestinal barrier function.
Medium chain fatty acids
【Lauric acid】
It has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and enhances immunity. It leads to prevention of Alzheimer's dementia.
【Caprylic acid】【Capric acid (Decanoic acid)】
It has antibacterial activity and does not accumulate as fat. ※ It is attracting attention as MCT oil.
※You can read more about MCT oil in this article.↓

【MCT oil】Good points and precautions for use
Read moreLong chain fatty acids
【Palmitic acid】
It activates the power of cells and promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
【Myristic acid】
It secretes hormones and protects cell membranes.
【Stearic acid】
Promotes lowering of LDL cholesterol and raising of HDL cholesterol.
2. Unsaturated fatty acids
Monounsaturated fatty acids
- Oil that is basically liquid at room temperature
- Compared to saturated fatty acids, it is less to be used as energy
- Can be synthesized in the body
- Highly contained in olive oil, rapeseed oil, avocado, cod liver oil, etc.
【Oleic acid】- Omega 9
Balances blood cholesterol and smoothes blood. Improve bowel movements.
【Palmitoleic acid】- Omega 7
Prevents hyperglycemia and diabetes, strengthens blood vessels. Promotes skin regeneration.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Oil that is basically liquid at room temperature
- Essential fatty acids that can't be synthesized by the body
- Highly contained in blue-backed fish, vegetable oils (corn, soybeans, etc.), walnuts, flaxseed, etc.
【Linoleic acid】- Omega 6
It temporarily lowers blood cholesterol, but taking too much increases the risk of allergies and cancer.
【γ-linolenic acid】- Omega 6
Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels and prevents blood clots. Balance female hormones. Effective for improving atopic dermatitis.
【Arachidonic acid】- Omega 6
It makes your head clear and improves dementia. Improves immune function. Taking too much increases the risk of allergies and cancer.
【Punicic acid】- Omega 5
It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and enhances immunity. Effective for anti-aging, which prevents aging and improves memory.
【α-linolenic acid】- Omega 3
Anti-allergic effect, triglyceride suppression, blood clot prevention, lowering blood pressure. Cancer, hypertension prevention.
【DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid)】- Omega 3
Anti-inflammatory effect, smoothing blood. Activates the brain and improves memory.
【EPA(Eicosapentaenoic acid)】- Omega 3
Smooths blood, improves blood sugar level, prevents blood clots, and prevents arteriosclerosis. Anti-inflammatory effect.
3. Trans fats
There are two types of trans fatty acids, naturally derived and artificial.
- Artificial products are produced by hydrogenation when processing vegetable oil into solids.
- Artificial products are produced by extracting vegetable oil and treating it at high temperature during processing.
- Artificial objects have health disadvantages, but no benefits
- In artificial substances, it is contained in margarine, shortening, processed fats and oils, etc.
- Naturally found in cattle and sheep
You can read more about trans fats in this article.↓

What is 【trans fats】? Why trans fats are dangerous ?
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