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We are living as nomad in Mexico !!

About Justlife

With a lifestyle that is pleasing to

nature, body and spirit. It has

the meaning of "just live right".

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Bio life coordinator Chika

09, 01, 1991 Japan


Food coordinator

Medicinal food coordinator

Yoga instructor trainee

Aroma therapist trainee

Chika profile

After graduating from university, I worked as a nutritionist for two years in elementary school lunch, then got a job at an organic bistro and learned about organic foods. When I was 25, I suddenly suffered from severe atopy during a working holiday in New Zealand. I have tried everything that is good for atopy, such as skin care, diet, acupuncture and fasting. Five years later, my skin has been getting better much, not completely though. Currently, I maintain my physical and mental health in a way that is good for me such as daily diet, skin care and yoga.
And here, I publish the lifestyle that I think is the best as Bio Life !

Bio is an abbreviation for Biologique in French and means organic. When you think of organic, the first thing that comes up might be "Foods". However, it can be also lead to everything in your life, which is including clothing, cleaning, skin care and aromas, homes and furniture, an environmental issues.
We propose Justlife's ideas in five categories: 『food / recipe』, 『medicinal food』, 『yoga』, 『aroma herbs』and 『eco-friendly / organic』to support your lifestyle holistically!
It can be difficult to change everything at once. But why not start Bio Life from what you can do?

food and recipe medicinal cooking yoga aloma and herb eco friendly