A well-balanced and body-friendly meal made with 【MaGoWaYaSaShiI】

Have you ever heard the word "MaGoWaYaSaShiI"? This is an acronym for each ingredient.
We can get the nutrients that our body needs in a well-balanced manner just by being aware of "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" in our daily meal !
Here, I will talk about what is "MaGoWaYaSaShiI".
\\ This article is recommended as follows //
- People who want to know "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" ingredients Those who want a well-balanced diet Beginner in nutrition
- Those who want a well-balanced meal
- Nutrition beginner
1. What is "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" ?
"MaGoWaYaSaShiI" is the basic ingredient of Japanese food.
The good thing about "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" is that it is a balanced diet without the need for difficult nutritional value calculations!
Unless the purpose is to change your body shape extremely, just by being aware of "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" + "Brown rice" every day, you will have a well-balanced and body-friendly meal.
MaGoWaYaSaShiI" ingredients
From here, I would like to introduce concretely the ingredients of "MaGoWaYaSaShiI"!
Ma (Mame)
"Ma (Mame)" means "beans" in Japanese, and includes soybeans, red beans, peas, chickpeas, and processed foods there of.
You can get enough protein and dietary fiber.
In particular, fermented soybean foods such as natto and miso are recommended because they are easy to digest and absorb and improve the intestinal environment!
Go (Goma)
"Go (Goma)" means "nuts and seeds" in Japanese, and sesame seeds, chia seeds, and nuts such as almonds and walnuts also apply here.
Rich in high quality oils and fat-soluble vitamins.
Since the outer skin of nuts and seeds is hard and difficult to digest, it is also recommended to eat them in a crushed state or in a paste !
Wa (Wakame)
"Wa (Wakame)" means "seaweed" in Japanese, and includes wakame seaweed, kelp, and hijiki seaweed.
Rich in minerals and water-soluble dietary fiber.
Tsukudani kelp and seaweed are recommended as they will fresh for a long time!
Ya (Yasai)
"Ya (Yasai)" means "vegetables" in Japanese.
Not only dietary fiber, but also vitamins and phytochemicals are abundant.
There are various vegetables such as leafy vegetables and root vegetables, but please take in seasonal vegetables!
Sa (Sakana)
Sa (Sakana) means "seafood" in Japanese and includes fish, squid, octopus and shellfish.
Blue-backed fish such as mackerel, sardines, and saury are rich in omega 3 oil. Red fish such as tuna and bonito are rich in iron. It is ideal to eat it as a main dish instead of meat because you can get good protein in all fish and shellfish.
If it is difficult to cook fish, it is recommended to use tiny whole edible fish such as shirasu and jako!
Shi (Shiitake)
"Shi (Shiitake)" means "mushrooms" in Japanese, and includes shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, and maitake mushrooms.
As it contains abundant guanylic acid, which is an umami ingredient, the cooking taste is improved. It is also rich in vitamin D and boosts immunity.
When mushrooms are dried or frozen, the cells are broken and the nutritional value and umami ingredients are improved. Also, by cooking three or more types of mushrooms together rather than cooking one type, a synergistic effect will be exhibited and the umami ingredients will become even stronger!
I (Imo)
"I (Imo)" means "potatoes" in Japanese, and includes potatoes, sweet potatoes, and taro.
Because it contains a lot of carbohydrates, be careful not to overeat, but thanks to that, vitamin C, which is sensitive to heat, is not easily destroyed.
If it is difficult to incorporate it into your meal, we recommend baking or steaming sweet potatoes for a snack!
So far, I have talked about the seven ingredients of "MaGoWaYaSaShiI".
It would be nice if you could take in these ingredients every meal, but this is surprisingly difficult ... So it's okay if "MaGoWaYaSaShiI" is included in the whole day's meal!
"MaGoWaYaSaShiI" is the basic ingredient of Japanese food, but of course it can be used in any dish such as French, Italian, and Chinese.
Don't be too stoic, find a way to use it that suits you ^ ^
Detox with daily meals
It is a well-balanced meal just to eat "MaGoWaYaSaShiI", but by making the staple food brown rice, not only will it increase nutritional value, but it will also significantly increase the detoxification effect!
In fact, for fasting and fasting preparations, "MaGoWaYaSaShiI + Brown rice" is recommended to enhance the detoxification effect, and I also realize the difference!
By the way, it is essential to avoid white staple foods (white rice, flour, white sugar, etc.) as much as possible in fasting and fasting preparations!
"MaGoWaYaSaShiI + Brown rice" + α makes you healthier!
There are ingredients that can make you healthier by adding more to "MaGoWaYaSaShiI + Brown rice". It's Omega 3 Oil!
Fish also contains omega 3 oil in the form of DHA, EPA, but considering the diet of modern people, that is a little insufficient ...
Therefore, it is recommended to take the following omega 3 vegetable oils.
- Flaxseed oil
- Perilla oil
- Sacha inchi oil (Inca inchi seed oil, green nut oil)
- Hemp seed oil
These oils are high in omega 3, α-linolenic acid and are also popular as health oils!
However, please note that these oils are easily oxidized and easily damaged, so heating prohibited! So, please try to eat it fresh^ ^