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Superfood【Tiger nut oil】Effects and Notes

\\ This article is recommended as follows //

  • Looking for healthy oil
  • Want to know the effect of Tiger nut oil
  • Looking for an oil good for you


  1. 1.What is Tiger nut oil
  2. 2.Effects of Tiger nut oil
  3. 3.How to use Tiger nut oil
  4. 4.Notes of Tiger nut oil

1. What is Tiger nut oil

Oil extracted from tiger nuts, which are attracting attention as a superfood.
Tiger nuts are the grown rhizomes of the Cyperus, which look like small potatoes. Therefore, although it is called a nut, it is not a nut but a root vegetable, so even people with nut allergies can eat it.
However, in Japan, the history is still short, and edible tiger nut oil is quite expensive.

It is said that the ancient Egyptians also loved this oil, which has a bitter taste and earthy scent. Of course, it is also highly nutritious, with about 70% oleic acid and a rich source of vitamin E.

Tiger nut oil fatty acid
Main fatty acids Oleic acid
Cooking High temperature heating OK
Storage method Dark and cool place
Taste / Aroma / Texture A slightly sweet and earthy scent
Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamin E

2. Effects of Tiger nut oil

For improve constipation!

Tigernut oil contains about 70% oleic acid. Oleic acid helps gastrointestinal motility and relieves constipation.
Continued constipation prevents the disposal of accumulated wastes in the body, which can lead to various diseases such as cancer, so be careful.

Make blood smooth!

Similarly, oleic acid has the effect of lowering the LDL-cholesterol level, so it improves the balance of cholesterol levels in the blood.

For anti aging!

Tiger nuts, which are said to contain more vitamin E than almonds, have a strong antioxidant effect and help regenerate the skin, so they are also effective for anti-aging!

3. How to use Tiger nut oil

・For everyday cooking

Tiger nut oil has a high oleic acid content and can be cooked with heat, so it can be used in everyday cooking!
However, due to its bitterness and earthy aroma, it is not suitable for some dishes.

・For marinades and Japanese dishes

Taking advantage of the unique taste of tiger nut oil, it is also recommended to mix it with marinades and Japanese dishes!
The bitterness of the oil goes surprisingly well with Japanese dishes.^ ^

4. Notes of Tiger nut oil

Tiger nut oil has almost no disadvantages, but it may not be suitable for daily use because it contains more than 10% of palmitic acid, which is a saturated fatty acid, and is expensive. If you want to use it every day, I think that olive oil and avocado oil, which can be expected to have similar effects, are relatively reasonable and easy to use.^ ^

If you want to try tiger nut oil, make sure to choose 100% pure cold-pressed oil like this one!

→ PODOR Tiger nut oil

『How to choose good quality oil』is described in detail in the following article, so please take a look if you like!

Healthy Oil Life

【Healthy Oil Life】What is good quality oil?

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Introducing various other edible oils!
Please read them if you are interested^ ^

List of edible oils

【List of edible oils】All 51 types of oils, famous oil and rare oil!

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Chika Sato

Organic Travel life

  • Bio Life Coordinator
    • nutritionist
    • medicinal cooking coordinator
    • food coordinator
    • yoga trainee
    • aroma therapist trainee